CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / B / Bad Blood Predator

Bad Blood Predator

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: RakaiThwei

Read more about Bad Blood Predator at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Twentieth Century Studios

The Predator, also known as Yautja (pronounced , ), is the titular extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator and Alien vs. Predator science fiction franchises, characterized by its trophy hunting of other "challenging" species for sport. First introduced in the film of the same name, the creatures returned in the sequels Predator 2 (1990), Predators (2010) and The Predator (2018) (the latter two of which introduce the rival clan of Hish-Qu-Ten), and the prequel Prey (2022), as well as the crossover films Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007). In 2023, the species was licensed to Adult Swim to appear officially in the seventh season of the animated series Rick and Morty, introducing the Skin Thieves clan.

The Predator has been the subject of numerous novels, video games and comic books, both on their own and as part of the Alien vs. Predator crossover imprint. The species have been called Hunters in the movies, while the name Predators has been used only once in the third sequel. Created by brothers Jim and John Thomas, the Predators are depicted as large, sapient and sentient humanoid creatures who possess advanced technology, such as active camouflage, directed-energy weapon, and interstellar travel. The Predators compete for a chance to enter the ritual of becoming "Blooded", a rank given to Predators that have killed prey that has been deemed worthy, as well as select human beings.

The Predator design is credited to special effects artist Stan Winston. While flying to Japan with Aliens director James Cameron, Winston, who had been hired to design the Predator, was doing concept art on the flight. Cameron saw what he was drawing and said, "I always wanted to see something with mandibles." Winston then included them in his designs. Stan Winston's studio created all of the physical effects for Predator and Predator 2, creating the body suit for actor Kevin Peter Hall and the mechanical facial effects. The studio was hired after attempts to create a convincing monster (including Jean-Claude Van Damme wearing a much different body suit) had failed. Arnold Schwarzenegger recommended Winston after his experience working on The Terminator.

The Predator was originally designed with a long neck, a dog-like head, and a single eye. This design was abandoned when it became apparent that the jungle locations would make shooting the complex design too difficult.

Bad Blood Predator Bad Blood Predator Bad Blood Predator Bad Blood Predator

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

Bad Blood Predator has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.